
Assam Rifles Technical/ Tradesman 215 Posts Online Form 2025


A new vacancy notification is out in the Assam Rifles for the Lineman, Plumber, and other posts. These vacancies are categorized under the category of Technical and Tradesman posts in Assam Rifles. The individuals can apply for 215 posts of Lineman and others. The last date to apply for the Lineman and other positions in Assam Rifles is 22/03/2025. 

Notification Summary: Assam Rifles Technical/ Tradesman Recruitment 2025 

  • Name of Authority:  Assam Rifles Technical/ Tradesman 
  • Apply Online Begin Date: 22/02/2025
  • Vacancy Name: Religious Teacher, Plumber, Pharmacist, and Other Vacancies
  • Apply Online End Date: 22/03/2025
  • Website Details:
  • Number of Vacancies: 215 Vacancies

Whole Facts: Assam Rifles Technical/ Tradesman Notification 2025

Vacancy Info:

  1. AR/Religious Teacher – 03 Vacancies
  2. AR/Radio Mechanic – 17 Vacancies
  3. AR/Lineman- Field- 08 Vacancies
  4. AR/Engineer Equipment Mechanic – 04 Vacancies
  5. AR/Electrician Mechanic Vehicle- 17 Vacancies
  6. AR/Recovery Vehicle Mechanic- 02 Vacancies
  7. AR/Upholster- 08 Vacancies
  8. AR/Vehicle Mechanic Fitter- 20 Vacancies
  9. AR/Draughtsman- 10 Vacancies
  10. AR/Plumber- 17 Vacancies
  11. AR/Electrical /Mechanical- 13 Vacancies
  12. AR/Operation Theatre Technician- 01 Vacancies
  13. AR/Pharmacist- 08 Vacancies 
  14. AR/X-Ray Assistant- 10 Vacancies
  15. AR/Veterinary Field Assistant- 07 Vacancies
  16. AR/Safai- 70 Vacancies

Educational Info:

The Assam Rifles will appoint the individuals for the Safai, Lineman, and other posts who have done the 10th grade/ Diploma or ITI in the relevant trades from the sanctioned organization/school/ board. 

Selection Strategy:

There will be a physical test first for the Lineman and other vacancies of the Assam Rifles followed by the written exam. 

  • PST Round 
  • PET Round 
  • Written Test/ Skill Test Round 
  • Merit List Release 

Application Payment:

  • For GEN/OBC Group B Category- Rupees 200 
  • For GEN/OBC Group C Category- Rupees 100 
  • For SC/ST/Female Category- No Fees 

Age Standards:

The Assam Rifles will allow individuals having an age of more than 18 years and less than 25 years to apply for the Lineman and other seats. 

Pay Grade:

The remuneration of the individuals for the Lineman and other posts of Assam Rifles will be as per the service rules of Assam Rifles. 

How to Apply For Assam Rifles Technical/ Tradesman Notification

  1. Kindly access the online link of Assam Rifles.
  2. Write the details in the Assam Rifles form such as full name, address, email ID, contact number, etc.
  3. Pay the fees for the vacancies for the Assam Rifles.
  4. Tap on the submit button to submit the Assam Rifles form. 


How to apply for the jobs at Assam Rifles?

The forms will be submitted online for the Assam Rifles jobs.

What is the selection process for the Assam Rifles jobs?

The Assam Rifles will conduct the physical tests and skill test.