CLW Act Apprentice 492 Posts Online Form 2024


Act Apprentice post job notification is released in the Chittaranjan Locomotive Works. The Railway organization has needed applications for 492 posts for different trades of Act Apprentice in CLW Workshop. The contenders can begin the registration for the CLW Railway Act Apprentice jobs from the 27th of March 2024. The qualification of the contenders should be as per the CLW Railway notification for Act Apprentice posts. The CLW Railway will shut down the online link for the Act Apprentice post form submission on the 18th of April 2024. 

Notice Summary: CLW Act Apprentice Recruitment 2024 

  • Name of Authority:  CLW Act Apprentice 
  • Apply Online Begin Date: 27th March 2024
  • Posts Name: Act Apprentice Posts
  • Apply Online End Date: 18th April 2024
  • Website Details:
  • Number of Posts: 492 Posts

Entire Facts: CLW Act Apprentice Notification 2024

Vacancy Info:

  1. CLW/Fitter- 200 Posts
  2. CLW/Turner- 20 Posts
  3. CLW/Machinist- 56 Posts
  4. CLW/Welder- 88 Posts 
  5. CLW/Electrician- 112 Posts
  6. CLW/A.C Mechanic- 04 Posts
  7. CLW/Painter- 12 Posts

Educational Qualifications:

The contenders who have finished the education of 10th/12th grade or ITI in the respective branch from a valid school/college/academy/institute/organization can participate in the Act Apprentice post-recruitment process.

Selection Technique:

The contender’s name should appear in the merit list of the CLW Railway for the Act Apprentice posts, the list will be prepared from the educational certificate marks. 


Application Payment:

The contenders need not pay any fees for the CLW Railway Act Apprentice vacancy. 

Age Bars:

15 years to 24 years. 


Pay Hierarchy:

The contenders will be hired on a handsome salary structure for the Act Apprentice posts of CLW Railway.  

How to Apply For CLW Act Apprentice Notification

  1. Consider the CLW Apprentice vacancy link.
  2. Enter the details asked in the CLW Apprentice application form.
  3. Mention the marks details carefully in the CLW Apprentice form.
  4. Upload the docs/pics/DMC with the CLW Apprentice application. 


  • Q: What are the age bars for the CLW Act Apprentice posts?
  • Ans: The contenders must be in the age norm 15-24 years for the Act Apprentice posts of CLW Railway. 
  • Q: Where to apply for the CLW Act Apprentice posts?
  • Ans: Submit the form here for CLW posts.