
Flipkart Recruitment for 12870 Vacancies at


Flipkart Recruitment 2021: Flipkart is an Indian e-commerce giant with its platform selling products ranging from apparel to books, mobiles to laptops, and almost everything you can think of.

Flipkart India Private Limited has specified through an official notice issued on its official website about the recruitment of skilled, experienced, and qualified candidates for filling 12870 vacancies for various posts of Consultant, Analytics, Team Leader, Associate, Executive Assistant, Lead HR Partner, Engineer, Manager, Developer, Business Finance Analyst, Data Scientist & Others. The candidates can submit their applications for the recruitment for the notified vacancies.

Flipkart Recruitment 2021 Details:

Department Name Flipkart India Private Limited
Posts Name Consultant, Analytics, Team Leader, Associate, Executive Assistant, Lead HR Partner, Engineer, Manager, Developer, Business Finance Analyst
Total Vacancies 12870
Zone/ Circle/ Region Across India
Last Date To Apply 31/12/2020
Official Website

Flipkart Recruitment 2021 Complete Details-

Educational Qualifications: The vacancies specified above range from entry-level positions to senior manager level posts so candidates with qualifications ranging from Class 12th pass to MBA pass can apply for the recruitment.

Age Criteria: The candidates of younger age with suitable work experience will be given preference.

Application Fee: No obligation is there on the part of the applicants regarding the payment of the application fee.

Pay Scale: Those who get their appointment letters after their selection and join the organization will be paid handsomely for their services.

Selection Procedure: Online Aptitude Test and Interview will be conducted in order to finalize the list of candidates to be appointed.

Important Details Regarding Flipkart Recruitment-

Flipkart India Private Limited is inviting applications to be submitted by the candidates on The candidates must apply and submit their applications as soon as possible at least by 31/12/2020.

How To Apply Online For Flipkart Recruitment-

  1. If you want to apply for Flipkart India Private Limited Recruitment 2020 then please apply and submit your application online on
  2. The candidates will also need to upload their resumes.
  3. All the details must be updated in the resume.
  4. Do not forget to note down the application number as proof for the application.

Important detailss To Consider Flipkart Recruitment 2021

Official Website Tap Here
Official Notification Tap Here
Apply Online Tap Here

Note: Final recruitment decision will be taken by Flipkart only no one can challenge the final selection list.