
KV CRPF Recruitment 2021 for PRT/TGT/PGT and other Posts


KV CRPF Recruitment 2021: Kendriya Vidyalaya, CRPF, Guwahati, issued an official notification for the PRT, PGT, Counsellor, TGT, Coaches, Nurse, and Computer Instructor posts. Aspirants can apply for these posts till the 4th of February 2021. The  Kendriya Vidyalaya, CRPF, Guwahati is also conducting interviews for the  PRT, PGT, Counsellor, TGT, Coaches, Computer Instructor, and Nurse post. To get details regarding the interview dates and other important information, read out the full information.

KV CRPF Recruitment 2021: Highlights

Organization Name Kendriya Vidyalaya, CRPF, Guwahati
Official Website
Posts Name PRT, PGT, Counsellor, TGT, Coaches, Nurse, and Computer Instructor
Number of Vacancies various
End Date of Application 04.02.2021
Job Location Guwahati

KV CRPF Recruitment 2021: Important Details

Vacancy Details:

  • PRTs
  • PGTs All Subjects
  • TGTs All Subjects including the Assamese language
  • Coaches
  • Computer Instructor
  • Counselor
  • Nurse

Educational Qualifications:

  • Computer Instructor: Hold DOEACC 0 & A level /Degree/ PGDCA from any recognized Board/University/Institution.
  • Nurse: Candidates who hold a Diploma in Nursing are eligible to apply for a nurse post.
  • Coaches: For a coach’s post, one should hold a  National Certificate / B.P.Ed/ Coaching Diploma/ M. P. Ed.
  • PGTs All Subjects: Hold Master’s Degree/B.Ed in relevant subject with 50% marks.
  • TGTs All Subjects including the Assamese language: Graduation/ B. Ed. in relevant subjects with minimum 50% marks and the special preference is given to the CTET qualified aspirant.
  • PRTs: Aspirants with the Intermediate or equivalent with 50% marks and JBT (2 years)/  B. Ed./B.EI.Ed/ CTET qualified will be given preference.
  • Counselor: possess BA /B. Sc./ M.A./ M. Sc. in psychology / M. Ed. with a certificate or diploma in counseling and a minimum of one year experience in the relevant field.

Application Fee:

No application fee is imposed from the aspirants for the submission of the application form.

Pay Scale:

Aspirants will get a good salary package from the organization for these posts.

Selection Procedure:

Selection should be made based on the personal interview. Aspirants are suggested/recommended to hold good manners during the personal interview.

Official Website: Go to the official website for more details.

How To Apply Online For KV CRPF Recruitment 2021

Aspirants have to apply for this post in the prescribed manner and submit the application form with all the documents’ scanned copies before the last date. The application form is also available on the school premises, or aspirants can get it from the official website.