
Northeast Frontier Railway 1856 Posts Online Form 2025


NFR Railway is about to recruit more than 1800 persons in the organization. The vacancy is opened in various dept of the NFR Railway. This recruitment drive of NFR Railway is for the Retired Staff to rehire them for various job roles as per their experience in railway jobs. The registration process of NFR Railway has commenced from 07/02/2025. The NFR Railway will accept the forms for the Retired Staff posts from the individuals who meet the eligibility for the posts. The last date to apply for the NFR Railway jobs is 28/02/2025. 

Notification Summary: Northeast Frontier Railway Recruitment 2025

  • Name of Authority:  Northeast Frontier Railway- NFR Railway
  • Apply Online Begin Date: 07th February 2025
  • Vacancy Name: Retired Staff Vacancies
  • Apply Online End Date: 28th February 2025
  • Website Details:
  • Number of Vacancies: 1856 Vacancies

Whole Facts: Northeast Frontier Railway Notification 2025 

Vacancy Info:

  1. Retired Staff- 1856 Vacancies

Educational Info:

The NFR Railway has released the vacancy for the 1800 posts for the individuals who have done the job in the Engineering/Electrical/Operations/ Mechanical/ S&T operations/ other depts of the NFR Railway for the Retired Staff posts.  

Selection Technique:

The selection of the individuals for the NFR Railway Retired Staff posts will be done based on their previous service records. 

Application Cost:

The NFR Railway will not charge any application fee from the staff to apply for the Retired Staff vacancy at NFR Railway.  

Age Standards:

The NFR Railway will hire individuals for the Retired Staff posts with the age of not more than 65 years.  

Pay Hierarchy:

The individuals will be offered the salary package for the Retired Staff posts based on the service rules of the NFR Railway. 

How to Apply For Northeast Frontier Railway Notification

  1. The forms for the NFR Railway jobs should be submitted with full details on the provided link of the organization.
  2. The individuals should specify the previous job details and their grading in the NFR Railway form.
  3. Deposit the application forms for the NFR Railway post and then submit the form. 


What is the age limit to apply for the Retired Staff posts at NFR Railway?

65 years.

What is the salary for the Retired Staff posts at NFR Railway?

The salary will be as per the rules at NFR Railway.