
Part Time Jobs: 18 Best Part Time Jobs in India That Pays You Good


We have all dreamed of a work-life, where we can earn money on our terms such as flexible working hours, a chance to see the world and still be able to work and live the life which we wanted and sustain our to be the best version of ourself.

Working online is the hottest trend in the market generate revenue and providing our resources to the mass audience, internationally and domestically. Online working is a black whole opportunity and jobs related to many, online jobs needs no qualification all it needs is the skills and experience to work full time and part-time depending upon the freelancer.

18 Part-Time Jobs in India to Consider

This article is a one-stop-shop and place for the people to study and to explore various key points to look for the right job and make at least Rs.50,000 a month.

Get Paid to Complete Offers:

You have to complete the online task which is short, and you can be paid 50cents to a dollar that is 60RS as per Indian economics and the more you perform the more you earn. The tasks can be simple as sign up on the website, following a FB page, or even watching a video, get an app, and many more.


You will be amazed how much you can earn from these simple ad reading jobs, I have been hearing about them for the past 8years and even finally thought why not I give it a try, and have been stuck with them for the past three years and experiencing a good flow of income.

I have been generating 50,000INR every month from the same, and the experience has been great on working with 2Tap sites, and will showing you the tricks& tips to make money from these sides, once you signup.

There are 3 main steps to earn money from P-T-C sites:-

  1. Signup with P-T-C sites
  2. Login – Tap & read all the ads
  3. Earn money


Blogging is my most favorite way of making money & whenever someone asks me about online jobs then I recommend blogging only.

So if you are thinking what this hell blogging is, then I will explain to you in layman language “just create a website & publish some useful content in your website on regular basis”. You must be thinking is this BLOGGING, and the answer is yes please understand the internet allows you to be your own master and works as per your skills and get paid.

4 Affiliate Marketing

here is the next step to your freelancer skills, from blogging to affiliate marketing, the sky is the limit in terms of revenue once you have established a creditable blog on the same and have exquisite skills to back it up.

the idea is to create a website and establishing your articles, and bringing traffic to the website, where you can put ads of various companies and services and get paid.

this is a stable revenue-generating firm where you will be selling products of other manufactures and connecting the demand and supply chain and getting paid for the same.

You just have to join an affiliate network, choose some of the best affiliate products close to your blog’s niche, start promoting them and earn commission on each sale every single day.

Affiliate marketers in India are earning Rs 100,000 – Rs 500,000 per month easily.

So what are you waiting for?

Signup with some of the popular affiliate networks like Amazon India, Flipkart, VCommission & international networks like CJ, MaxBounty, ImpactRadius, ShareASale etc.

Refer: A guide to affiliate marketing 5.YouTube Online Jobs

have you heard about the names: Technical Guruji, Nisha Madhulika, The Viral Fever, All India Bakchod, Wow Kidz, FunkYou yes you guessed it right they all are youtube personalities earning tons of $ with their feed.

many have come across the youtube channel and have made millions of dollars by using their skills and showcasing them.


the one thing common in them, they all are creating content and making videos based on their skills and uploading them onto the channel, and getting views and subscriptions.

the quality of the content is the key to success and you will be paid for every 1000 views by google.

as per the paying matrix by the channel of youtube and your content creation, you will be making good money until you provide views to the channel.

you have to aim for millions and more to generate revenue. Indian YouTubers can easily make Rs 20,000 to Rs 200,000 per month depending upon the quality of their content.

You can create different types of videos like

  1. Funny and Prank Videos
  2. Tutorials, How-To Videos
  3. Cooking Videos
  4. Hair and Makeup Videos
  5. Gaming Videos
  6. Product Reviews
  7. News, Politics, Current Affairs

Create excellent quality videos that people will love to watch.


Those who take writing as their passion and wants to write an article why not try online writing platforms and earn sustainable revenue.


writing jobs are widely popular in India and south-east Asia and many countries, all earning a decent amount of revenue.

the average income of 35,000INR to 40,000INR per month.

Freelance writing can be

  1. Web content writing
  2. Ghostwriting,
  3. Technical writing,
  4. Business writing,
  5. Copywriting,
  6. Newspaper writing etc
  7. Editing and Proofreading

If you are a writer who can write simple English with no grammatical error then there is no dearth of writing jobs online.

Refer: Freelance writing jobs that pay $25 to $30 per hour



Online surveys are one of the key jobs in the online sector and as the name suggests, surveys are done by the companies to ascertain whether the product and services are up to the mark or not and more to generate feedback.

the average revenue is a great way to earn 10.000INR to 20,000 INR by just working 2 to 3 hours.

you need to answer questions, and that’s all the job is done.


surveys are different and can take up to 5 to 20 min depending upon the nature of the survey and the question being asked.

what’s stopping people from getting their dream, is the key to finding the key a genuine online survey.

research and development before looking for the right company is the key and making sure you join a good company.

DO NOT JOIN A SURVEY SITE WHERE YOU HAVE TO PAY A MEMBERSHIP FEE! Genuine sites do not ask for payments.

Refer: 20 online survey sites for Indians

Online Selling Jobs

online selling job is a huge revenue-generating business model for the young generation and people in business.

you can earn a staggering amount of 20,000 to 1,00,000 depending upon the nature of the product.


you can make it as a full time or a part and even sell your product or even of someone else decreasing the ratio of investment into the business.


  1. Here are the steps to start selling online-Look for some local dealers or distributors where you can find some hot selling products at the lowest price.
  2. Signup as a seller on Amazon, Flipkart, eBay or these 60 online shopping sites.
  3. List all your products on the sites with the selling price.
  4. Receive orders
  5. Deliver the products through courier
  6. Make profit

People always check reviews before they order any product on shopping sites. Try to provide the best services to your buyers so that they can write good reviews about you & your products.

This will help you increase sales.

Data Entry Jobs:

data entry jobs are one of the key aspects you like to hear whenever u hear someone talking about working online.

data entries job can bring revenue of 10,000INR to 20,000INR to decently experienced personnel.

Data entry jobs could be

  • Copy and Paste Work
  • Formatting files using MS Word and MS Excel
  • Converting clients digital/Image files into Word Documents
  • Tracking inventory and shipments by entering data into Excel

So they are plenty. Finding a genuine Data Entry job that pays you on time regularly could be very challenging but we made it easier for you.

2 things you must remember while searching data entry work online.

  1. Never pay a fee for joining a data entry company.
  2. Secondly, do a thorough background check of the company you would like to work for. Go to their Contact Us page, see if a phone number is given, dial them and ask every small detail about the company. and even report the fake once as well.

Online Transcription Jobs

transcription jobs are a superior version of data entry, and the jobs offered have the same nature.

the only difference is that you will be listing and typing, this form of jobs are widely popular in the legal and medical world, where one has to be well versed with the medical way of speaking things and their nature.

experienced people are always given an advantage and would be taking a good amount of revenue.

the task is simple to convert audio into a Word file, please make sure you are maintaining its authenticity,60 words per minute is a must speed


transcripts jobs are available in India for whom they are willing to do some research.

transcripts freelancers are always paid well as compared to a data entry working professional.

Captcha Entry

Here you read from the image and write it down in the box given below. There is a very huge demand for Captcha entry workers in the market.

Earlier companies and individuals were creating thousands of accounts daily on different sites. They automated this process by using software or robots.

To prevent this act, Captcha was introduced so that only human beings can open an account at a given time and not robots.

Hence, to solve thousands of Captcha manually daily these companies needed workers like you urgently. So Captcha Entry work is outsourced to people like you.

In India, you can easily earn $1 to $2 for solving 1000 Captchas. If you work for 3 to 4 different sites then you can easily earn Rs 8000 to Rs 12,000 per month with this online job.

Refer: Best Online Captcha Entry Jobs.

Freelance Jobs

well, when talking about freelance jobs everyone, we all think about data entry jobs and transcripts work offered online.

which is not fair as for the above job you need skills which are already widely available and can be done by anyone.

freelancer on the other job is a master in his mind and have to write his article, design them and even sell it and promote himself in terms of logos.

freelancer goes through a lot of stages of marketing and even creating videos.

Freelancers do all these jobs on an off basis. They are jack of all trades but masters of none. You can join these freelance sites and start earning money now.

Digital Marketing Jobs

DIGITAL MARKETING JOBS ARE NEW IN THE BLOCK, but it has created lots of buzz in the market and the space.

it has open such doors that were considered closed, now a professional can offer his services online as well and to a mass audience.

consider it a new wave of opportunities in the world in this era of digitalization which is here to stay and we will be offering to the world.

Here are some of the digital marketing jobs

  1. SEO, SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
  2. Content and Video Marketing
  3. Email Marketing
  4. E-Commerce Marketing
  5. Web Analytics
  6. Mobile Advertising etc.

Right now SEO jobs are in very high demand and selling like hot cake. SEO experts who know their work are earning decent money working online.

Digital marketing can easily pay you Rs 10,000 – Rs 35,000 per month.

  1. Social Media Jobs

If you find digital marketing jobs tough then you can look out for social media jobs. Here are some of them.

  1. Virtual Assistant: As a virtual assistant you will assist managers and executives online with tasks like organizing files, answering phones, managing files etc. Knowledge of MS Office, Google Apps, Dropbox is very important.
  2. Social Media Managers and Moderators: Social media managers and moderators manage social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other online forums/groups. You assist visitors, respond to their comments and feedback, delete inappropriate comments and manage threads.
  3. Chat/Email Support: Instead of calling by phone, you will reach out to customers through online chat and email. You will be paid for assisting people online by chatting and email support.

You are paid well for each online job and earn Rs 12,000 to Rs 25,000 a month depending upon your experience. You can find social media jobs on job portals like Naukri and Indeed.

Online Tutoring:

In the world of online tutoring and the educational sector we have all seen its hype in the world of technological advancement and given a chance to the teacher to use their skills online as well, and teach people and students around the world.

people are generating a good amount of revenue to support their families and are all dependent on the time they spend, the more they teach the more they earn.


people of all age groups and all the background can use this tool, to pass their knowledge and earn some revenue at the same time.

You can choose a subject of your interest and conduct an hour-long session through video calling. Some of the subjects you can choose from are

  1. Math
  2. Physics
  3. History
  4. Finance
  5. Economics
  6. Accounting
  7. Languages like English, German, Japanese etc
  8. Literature
  9. Law
  10. Sociology etc.

So join now-


Mystery Shopping

as the name suggests it is indeed a mystery shopping or a shopper is a great concept and relatively new in India.

the concept is to determine the quality of the product and services and to make it is audit perspective, the organisation sends mystery shoppers to the various outlets and even to the restaurant follows the audit system to enhance their services.

the mystery person should be good with words and explain the services and the quality of the product in a detailed manner.


your skills are directly detailsed to the big companies through the third party and even the mystery shoppers can be writing for magazines or even for a couple of magazines and newspapers.

revenue slabs are of 10,000INR to 20,000INR

Buying and Selling Domain

as the name suggests you have to do the same as per the time, investing in the correct domain at the right time is the key and booking profit by selling them at a higher price is the key.


people have generated a lot of revenue by taking it as an investment point of you, and buying the domain concerning the trends of the generation is the key in this industry.

You buy a domain name for a lower price from Go Daddy or Host Gator and sell it for a price 10 to even 1000 times higher than the buying price.

Buy a domain with the right name now!

Refer: How to make money selling domains

Earn Money Selling photos

Sell photos taken from your smartphone and get paid for every single photograph. You can use your photography and selfie-taking skills to make some money from this online job.

You have to take professional-looking photos from your smartphone and sell them to websites like Shutterstock, Fotolia, iStock Photo online.

You don’t even have to buy a camera because today every smartphone comes with a very powerful camera.

Each photo can pay you anything from $0.25 to $30 depending upon the quality of the photo.

However, you must remember taking photos are not as easy as taking selfies. Hence, photos must look professional to sell them.

You just have to get and install apps like Foap, Twenty20 etc. onto your phone and start selling photos.

Refer: How to make money selling photos online


One of the most rewarding and the highest risk involved in the same, trading stalks in basically buying a share of companies in terms of commodities and currencies too.

trading is a full-time job as well and can be treated as a passive income, people have made tons of money and lost huge sums at the same time.

getting into the industry make sure you are well versed with the concepts of trading and you are ready to make money and lose as well.

by studying the patterns and understanding the concept with time, you learn the tricks and generate revenue.

don’t be greedy go for sustainable improvement and growth,

Everything is done online on your laptop. You buy shares for a low price and sell them high. Whether you earn money or lose it, the amount is credited/debited to your account online.

There is no limit to how much money you can make with trading.

Refer: make money with stock trading

So these were the 18 best online jobs in India that you can join now. You can choose any one of them and get started. But before you get started I would appeal to do a thorough background check of the company you are joining for any type of online job.