
PNB Recruitment 2021: Apply Offline for 12 vacancies of Defense Banking Advisors post


PNB Recruitment 2021: PNB (Punjab National Bank) publishes a notification for the recruitment of the Defence Banking Advisor post at Delhi. The number of vacancies for this post is only 12. Applicants who are modest or superannuated from the Navy/Indian Army/Air Force can apply for this vacancy. The last date decided by the organization to apply for this post is 30th March 2021. Interested nominees can send their application forms only by the offline mode at the address mention below. For more details stay tuned and go through the full details below.

PNB  Recruitment 2021: Highlights

Organization Name PNB Bank
Official Website
Posts Name Defence Banking Advisor
Vacancies 12
Apply Mode Offline
Last Date to Apply Offline 30.03.2021

PNB Recruitment 2021: Important Details

Vacancy Details:

Sr. Defence Banking Advisor 02
Chief Defence Banking Advisor 01
Defence Banking Advisor 09


A modest or superannuated individual from the Navy/Indian Army/Air Force can apply for the posts.

Age Criteria:

The maximum age limit set by the organization for this post is 62 years of age.

Application Fee:

The organization doesn’t charge any fees.

Pay Scale:

  • Chief Defence Banking Advisor CDBA: Rs.16.8 Lakh per annum
  • Defence Banking Advisor DBA: Rs.13.2 Lakh per annum
  • Sr. Defence Banking Advisor SDBA: Rs.14.4 Lakh per annum

Selection Procedure:

The selection will be done on the personal interview performance.

Official Website:

Steps To Apply Offline For PNB Recruitment 2021

  • Firstly get the application form from the below details.
  • Read out the instruction given on the application form and start correctly filling in the details.
  • Then paste the passport size photo on it.
  • Affix the copies of the documents with it.
  • In the end, submit your application form to the given address.

Address: General Manager, PNB, Head Office, HRM Division, First Floor, Plot No. 4, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi”.