Punjab and Sind Bank LBO 110 Local Bank Officers Posts Online Form 2025


P&S Bank has announced the vacancy notification for Local Bank Officer posts. The total number of posts given for the Local Bank Officer posts in P&B Bank is 110. The individuals are invited to register online for the Local Bank Officer posts. The vacancy for a Local Bank Officer is given state-wise and knowing the local language is compulsory for the Local Bank Officer posts. The form submission dates for the Local Bank Officer posts are from 07/07/2025 to 25/07/2025. 

Notification Summary: Punjab and Sind Bank LBO Recruitment 2025 

  • Name of Authority:  Punjab and Sind Bank LBO 
  • Apply Online Begin Date: 07/07/2025
  • Vacancy Name: Local Bank Officers Vacancies
  • Apply Online End Date: 28/07/2025
  • Website Details: https://ibpsonline.ibps.in/psbjan25/
  • Number of Vacancies: 110 Vacancies

Entire Facts: Punjab and Sind Bank LBO Notification 2025 

Vacancy Info:

  1. Local Bank Officers/Arunachal Pradesh- 05 Vacancies
  2. Local Bank Officers/Assam- 10 Vacancies
  3. Local Bank Officers/Gujarat- 30 Vacancies
  4. Local Bank Officers/Karnataka- 10 Vacancies
  5. Local Bank Officers/Maharashtra- 30 Vacancies
  6. Local Bank Officers/Punjab- 25 Vacancies

Educational Info:

The Punjab and Sind Bank will hire individuals for the Local Bank Officer posts if they have finished the graduation degree from the ratified organization/ school/ board. 

Selection Method:

The Punjab and Sind Bank will choose the individuals for the Local Bank Officer posts based on the results of the following rounds. 

  1. CBT Exam
  2. Screening of Individuals 
  3. Interview
  4. Final Merit List
  5. Proficiency in Local Language
  6. Final Selection List

Application Payment:

  • For SC/ST/ PWD Category- Rupees 100 
  • For GEN/ EWS/OBC Category- Rupees 850 

Age Standards:

The Punjab and Sind Bank will appoint the individuals for the Local Bank Officer posts if the individuals are present in the age group of 20 years to a maximum of 30 years. 

Pay Ranking:

The Local Bank Officer posts in the Punjab and Sind Bank will come in the pay level JMGS-I scale.  

How to Apply For Punjab and Sind Bank LBO Notification

  1. Open the apply link of the IBPS organization.
  2. Do the registration for the Local Bank Officer posts and then fill out the form for the Local Bank Officer post.
  3. Scan the photo/signature and attach it to the Local Bank Officer form.
  4. Submit the Local Bank Officer form. 


What is the selection process for the Local Bank Officer posts at P&S Bank?

The individuals have to pass the written test and interview for the Local Bank Officer posts.

How to apply for the Local Bank Officer post at P&S Bank?

You can apply for the Local Bank Officer posts online.