
RBI BMC Ahmedabad Contract Recruitment 2021: Apply Offline For 03 vacancies of the Bank’s Medical Consultant Posts @


RBI BMC Ahmedabad Contract is hiring the applicant on the contract basis for the 03 vacant seats of the Bank’s Medical Consultant post. The doctors concerned about applying for the post can deposit their application form for the post at the address of the department. The interested aspirants can deposit their application form before 31st July 2021.

More details about the post are mentioned in the below article.

RBI BMC Ahmedabad Contract Recruitment 2021: Highlights

Organization Name RBI BMC Ahmedabad Contract
Vacancies 03
Posts Name Bank’s Medical Consultant
Official Website
Starting Date to Apply Offline 09.07.2021
Last Date to Apply Offline 31.07.2021

RBI BMC Ahmedabad Contract Recruitment 2021: Important Details

Vacancy Details:

BMC-Bank’s Medical Consultant post: 03 vacancies

Educational Qualifications:

Contenders who hold the MBBS degree from a reputed institution or university can apply for Recruitment 2021.

Age Criteria:

The age details are don’t mentioned in the official notification.

Application Fee:

Please read out the official notification for the application fees information.

Pay Scale:

The amount of Rs 1000 on an hourly basis will be given to the hired applicants.

Selection Procedure:

Based on the interview level, the organization will make the final selection.

Official Website: Visit the organization’s official website @ for any information.

Steps To Apply Offline For RBI BMC Ahmedabad Contract Recruitment 2021

  • Check out the organization’s official website @ and view out the guidelines from there.
  • Then get the application form from there.
  • Mention the details clearly under the application form regarding the name, age, qualification, and more.
  • Then join the important docs into it.
  • In the end, after viewing out the form again sent the form to the below address.

Address: Regional Director, HRM Dept., RBI, Reserve Bank of India, 4th Floor, Main Office Building, Near Gandhi Bridge, Ahmedabad – 380014