
Top 9 Part-Time Jobs In India


In this digital era, you have the power to choose your skills and work that you good at. You can easily choose whether you want to work full-time or part-time. You can at your comfort and work at home any time anywhere. There are no time limits like 9 to 5 jobs. Almost 15 million individuals in metropolitan India are experiencing this fantasy, as indicated by the Freelancer Incomes Around the World Report. They are solopreneurs, otherwise called independently employed people running one-individual organizations. They are a piece of the developing clan that is fuelling India’s gig economy.

So, if you among the ones who want to grab some home-based part-time jobs, here are the top 9 Part-Time home-based job options.

Data Entry

A data entry job involves filling in as an overseer of various sorts of electronic information and working gadgets that experts use to enter and alter information, for example, a keyboard. There are various occupations in this industry, including typist, coder, typographer, or word processor.


A transcriptionist is an expert in the documentation. The work involves tuning in to voice accounts and changing over them into composed reports. It requires persistence and genuine preparation. The work may include translating accounts of lawful, clinical, and different topics.

Virtual Assisting

A virtual assistant is an independently employed worker who has practical experience in contributing regulatory administrations to customers from a distant area, ordinarily a home office. Average tasks that a virtual assistant may perform incorporate planning arrangements, settling on phone calls, making travel arrangements, and overseeing email accounts.


Bloggers are independent authors who keep an online diary, otherwise called a blog. These online diaries are shared by individuals who post passages about an assortment of points. Online journals are generally refreshed regularly, and the posts are kept up in a sequential request.

Content Writing

Content Writers make composed material for sites and different kinds of media. They are frequently given an undertaking from a substance group that incorporates promoting experts, project supervisors, and chiefs. Content Writers should stick to explicit style guides and any substance prerequisites that an organization may have.

Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring can mean a wide range of things; it is essentially giving one-on-one learning support for understudies over the Internet. A few tutors work with students to improve their examination aptitudes, while others may assist customers with improving their note-or test-taking capacities. Guides audit class material, helps take care of issues, and goes over tasks with understudies.

Web Developing

Web developers plan and fabricate sites. They are normally answerable for the appearance of the site and specialized angles, for example, site speed and how much traffic the site can deal with. Web engineers may likewise make website content that requires specialized features.

YouTube Videos

If you have good camera skills, you can create your own videos on YouTube and start your online videos on YouTube. You can create your videos, upload them on YouTube, grab the following, and make money online.

Online Products Selling

If you have the talent to make any product that you sell, like jewelry, paintings, and other decorative items, you can sell them online via Amazon or Flipkart. You have to register yourself online and start making a good income from your skills.