TS DSC Teacher 11062 Posts Online Form 2024


The TSDSC organization has unleased the vacancy notification for the SGT, PET, Language Pandits, and other teaching posts. The total number of positions in the TSDSC for the teaching cadre is more than 11000. The contenders who want to join the TSDSC organization in teaching positions have to apply online and pass the CBT test. The TSDSC organization will receive the applications for the Language Pandits and otehr posts from the 04th of March 2024 to the 20th of June 2024. 

Notification Summary: TS DSC Teacher Recruitment 2024

  • Name of Authority:  TS DSC Teacher 
  • Apply Online Begin Date: 04th March 2024
  • Posts Name: Teacher Posts
  • Apply Online End Date: 20th June 2024
  • Website Details: https://schooledu.telangana.gov.in/ISMS/
  • Number of Posts: 11062 Posts

Entire Facts: TS DSC Teacher Notification 2024 

Vacancy Info:

  1. TS DSC/SGT- 6508 Posts
  2. TS DSC/School Assistant- 2629 Posts
  3. TS DSC/Language Pandits- 727 Posts
  4. TS DSC/PET- 182 Posts
  5. TS DSC/Special Education Teachers- 1016 Posts

Educational Qualifications:

The education qualification requirements for the TSDSC Language Pandits and other posts are a three-year graduation degree, 2 two-year PG degrees along with a BED degree, and the contender must have passed the teacher eligibility tests like APTET/CTET/etc. 



Selection Technique:

The contenders will be issued the admit cards for the CBT paper in the TSDSC organization for the Language Pandits and other posts.

Application Cost:

The contenders have to apply along with the payment of Rupees 1000 for the Language Pandits and other posts in the TSDSC organization.  



Age Measures:

The contenders needed to have the age of more than 18 years old and less than 46 years old for the TSDSC Language Pandits and other posts.

Pay Ranking:

The monthly remuneration of the contenders on the Language Pandits and other posts in the TSDSC will be as per the rules. 

How to Apply For TS DSC Teacher Notification

  1. Move to the TSDSC online portal link for the Language Pandits and other posts.
  2. Enter the info in the TSDSC form.
  3. Pay the payment for the TSDSC form.
  4. Scan the docs and secure them with the TSDSC form.
  5. Deposit the TSDSC form. 


  • Quest: What is the application fee for the TSDSC Language Pandits and other posts?
  • Ans: Rupees 1000. 
  • Quest: What is the salary for the TSDSC Language Pandits and other posts?
  • Ans: The salary will be as per the rules in the TSDSC.