
Studying in the United Kingdom

Studying in the United Kingdom is just like dream come true, people and students from all around the world, thrive to attend a major Degree and other educational-based programs from their University. The education Standard of the United Kingdom has always been the talk of the town and has set a high standard for the work.


Now as we have understood the value of the education system of the United Kingdom, we can talk about the expenses as well, Studying abroad leaving your home country, is always a big step for the person and families as well.

They save and take the loan to make their educational dream come true. To make it easy, all the students look for various jobs in the UK to maintain their lifestyle and provide for their educational needs.

Part-time is a key for the International students studying in the UK as they can study and work to pay off the High tuition fees.

The government has noticed it and understands the pain of the International students with regards to a part-time job. The Government has made provision for the International students that they can work post completion of their Degree.

Plus part-time jobs are Huge a supporting factor and in order curb the expenses done by the student. The Government has made sure to provide certain guidelines, Under which the students need to work and provide their services.

The students are given clear instruction for the same and they need to follow the same as well. Upon found not complying with the Government instruction the International Student will face the consequences which can even lead to deportation and even suspension or even a ban or reentering the country.

Please follow the list of the rules which need to be followed by the International students under the Student Visa.

  • A maximum of 20 hours per week has been allocated for the paid and unpaid part work for the students pursuing their College and higher qualification.
  • Language course students have been allocated 10 hours per week of paid and unpaid work.
  • During the vacation full-time work is allowed as well.
  • Part-time or non Degree courses Students are not recognized to work as a part job in the UK.
  • To perform full-time work, it’s extremely important to get a work visa.
  • Self-employment is not permitted, the students are restricted, to freelance their skills individually or personally.

You must be thinking about various rules and regulations being produced by the Government for the International student who wants to work of their own will.

Before even thinking about some part-time job or working for some, please make sure that your VISA allows you to do so, generally Tier 4 visa status allows you to do so.

Please understand that maintaining a work-life balance is extremely important, and we do understand the students want to work more and more and pay off their debt but the main reason for them being in the country is education.

The International tends to work more hour have been seen getting stressed which affect their studies, which is bad.

That’s why there are certain parameters where you can work for certain hours and support yourself by earning money. And your studies will not be affected.

We have to understand various key factors where the job should not affect your studies and mind and all the international students excel in their studies.

Different groups are being made to help the international students who were facing difficulty in maintaining balance in their educational life such as tutor forums, International students support officers.